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In light of the current pandemic, we wanted to update everyone on our response and new policies. As a community healthcare provider, we have an important role to play in limiting the spread of the disease and are fully committed to doing so.

We have recently been operating and treating patients on a limited basis by restricting our schedule and now intend to close our clinic to new appointments until May.

We are also making some changes to contain and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. If you or someone in your family is currently or has experienced ANY symptoms of illness (including fever, cough, or flu-like symptoms) during the last 14 days before your scheduled appointment, please notify us as soon as possible. We will happily reschedule your appointment to a future date at least two weeks after your latest reported date of being symptom free.

If you are advised by a health care professional to “self quarantine” due to recent travel OR potential exposure to COVID-19 OR others who have had potential exposure to the virus, please notify us as soon as possible.  This includes travel to any of the restricted areas within the last 14 days. We will happily reschedule your appointment to a future date at least one week after the end date of your self-quarantine period.

We use universal cleaning precautions throughout the office but will be increasing the frequency of cleanings in community areas. In addition, we will not have magazines available in the lobby to limit mediums of transmission.

These changes may have an effect on our schedule; while we are committed to running on time, if we anticipate running late - we will call or text you. Please make sure we have your mobile number on file as this will greatly aid our communication.

We all have a role to play in helping fight the spread of COVID-19 and we believe these policy changes will help us keep our community safe. Thank you for your understanding of any inconveniences as we proceed with their implementation.  As always, we’re here for you and we’ll do everything we can to help.

The CDC is your most up to date source for information.  A broader perspective would be the WHO.